Landholder assistance


Council undertakes a co-ordinated baiting program for wild dogs in March, May, August and October each year. To participate in this program landholders must register themselves by either contacting Council's customer service officers on 1300 883 699 or by sending an email to 

If you would like further information about the program please read the information below or ask to speak to one of our Land Protection Officers.

Council can also assist with advice around baiting for feral pigs. Bait material such as grain and fruit may be used.

Download the latest 1080 Baiting Day Notice and Flyer.

Introduction to the Co-ordinated Wild Dog 1080 Baiting Program

For many years Bundaberg Regional Council has provided landholders with 1080 baits through a coordinated baiting program in as well as upon request, to assist with the management of wild dogs in the Bundaberg Region. Research undertaken by Biosecurity Queensland has consistently shown that a cooperative approach to wild dog management within local areas through a coordinated baiting program will have a larger impact on reducing feral dog numbers than isolated baiting programs focusing on individual properties. .


Changes to legislation

In 2020 the laws relating to the supply of 1080 baits were changed to allow landholders to purchase manufactured products from selected rural outlets. Further changes to the legislation in Queensland in October 2021 transferred the administration of 1080 bait material from Biosecurity Qld to Queensland Health. To acquire 1080 baiting products directly from commercial suppliers, landholders can now apply for a General Approval-Regulated Substance from Queensland Health with the approval remaining current for 2 years. For further information or to apply for a General Approval you can visit


Changes to Council program

Considering these changes in the availability of commercial 1080 products to landholders and the known benefits of a coordinated regional approach to wild dog management, Bundaberg Regional Council will now be providing four coordinated wild dog baiting programs that are strategically spread throughout the year to target key times in the life cycle of wild dogs. No 1080 baits will be provided by Council outside of the coordinated baiting programs. Landholders wanting 1080 baits at other times of the year will need to obtain an approval from Queensland Health and access them through commercial suppliers.


Program dates for 2024

During 2024, Council’s coordinated wild dog baiting programs will be undertaken on 13 March, 22 May, 28 August and 23 October.


Alternative control options

On smaller rural and peri-urban properties where 1080 baiting may not be an appropriate option, protection of domestic animals such as sheep, goats, alpaca’s and poultry may be achieved through the use of trapping, appropriate exclusion fencing, and guardian animals which can provide a very high level of protection from wild dog and fox predation. Council has a program where landholders can loan soft jaw dog traps and feral pig traps at no cost. Interested landholders are encouraged to discuss the use and suitability of these traps with their local Land Protection Officer. Further detailed information about the management of invasive animals such as wild dogs and foxes is available to landholders on the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries website


Baiting Program details

Council will supply up to 20 free meat baits per landholder registered for the program and who meet the conditions for baiting. The number of baits issued will be dependent on the property size.

Time and location:

  • 9:30am -10:30am Meadowvale Council Depot, Heales Road
  • 12:00pm -1:00pm Apple Tree Creek Sports Ground, Bruce Highway
  • 2:30pm -3:30pm Gin Gin Council Pound Yard, Flanders Street

Registration: To participate in this baiting program, you must call Council on 1300 883 699 to register.

Land Protection Officer Contacts:

Eric Dyke - Senior Land Protection Officer (Gin Gin) 0414 660 356

Guy Hancock - Land Protection Officer (Bundaberg) 0419 481 478

Spencer Katt - Land Protection Officer (Childers) 0448 921 141


Program requirements


  • Participants must comply with all requirements of the Queensland Health Departmental Standard -Dealing with restricted S7 poisons for invasive animal control -version 1. A copy will be supplied.
  • Landowners wanting an agent (another person) to collect baits on their behalf must provide a signed Authority for Agent to Sign form to Council at the time of bait collection.
  • Landowners who have attended prior baiting days must bring labelled buckets previously supplied by Council to be eligible to receive baits.
  • Before baits are laid, the user must give 72 hours notice, either verbally or in writing, to all neighbours whose property adjoins or fronts the holding either across a road or a waterway.
  • Warning signs must be placed at all entrances to the land being baited and at the extremities of the land boundaries fronting a public thoroughfare.
  • A record of all notifications stating time/date/occupier/method of notification is required to be kept and be available to be viewed by an Authorised Officer. Owners found to have failed to notify ALL neighbours will be refused future access to 1080 baits.
  • No baits are to be laid within 5km of a town without Land Protection Officer approval.