Book a plumbing inspection
Once an approval has been issued, only the licenced plumber or drainer carrying out the installation of plumbing, drainage and on-site wastewater may request an inspection from Council's Plumbing Team.
The type of inspections required are as follows:
- Underslab drain
- External Drainage
- Internal Hot and Cold Water Service Elevated Drainage (Rough In)
- On-site sewerage facility and disposal area
- Final
Before the final inspection is requested and carried out, Council requires the following documentation to be submitted:
- Form 8 from the appropriate person as Queensland Government requirements
- 'As constructed' plumbing and drainage plans have been provided to Council
- Form 9 and commissioning certificates for backflow requirements
- Thermostatic Mixing Valve commissioning certificates
- Commissioning Certificate for on-site sewerage facility
- Fire Service test reports (for commercial premises)
- Bore water certification (for rural properties, if required)
- Details of any trade waste pre-treatment device installed (for commercial premises)
Should Council not receive all the necessary documentation, the final inspection cannot be carried out.
To receive a successful final inspection outcome, the licenced plumber or drainer, from the final inspection date, will have a maximum of seven (7) business days to complete the non-compliant work as noted in the Standard Plumbing and Drainage Regulations 2019.
Booking Inspections
As of the 7 April 2023, minor changes have taken place when booking inspections. To make it easier, there are now only two service areas to select, Hinterland or Bundaberg and surrounds. To assist with your selection, please see the below image.

To book in your inspection please ensure:
- The licenced plumber or drainer must provide Council with the correct permit number and address to schedule an inspection date and time
- Inspection bookings are made two (2) days prior to the inspection date
- A completed Form 7 submitted by Responsible Person for work being assessed
- The installed plumbing needs to be visible
NOTE: Multiple bookings made for the inspections for same properties are not permitted and will not be accepted. Please cancel any previously booked inspections prior to booking a new date/time.
Book a plumbing inspection
As-Constructed plans
Commencing April 2020 Council requires the licenced plumbing contractor to provide an As-Contructed drainage plan to the Council prior to a final inspection being carried out.
The As-Constructed plan is to indicate the sewer connection details and all in-ground sanitary drainage plus the location of the water meter and in-ground water service to the point of entry.
The As-Constructed plan should be drawn on the Bundaberg Regional Council template provided below and be either A4 or A3 size. The fact sheet below contains an example indicating the minimum standard required.
Failure to provide the As-Constructed drainage plan prior to the final inspection or to the required standard may result in the inspection not being carried out.
Your As-Contructed plan can be emailed directly to Council's Plumbing Team.
Download the fact sheet and template: