Do I need approval?


Building approval

Do I need a building permit?

Most types of building works need a building permit. Development Approvals for Building Works must be obtained prior to commencing any building work (including renovations, alterations or additions to any building or structure on your property) and for the erection of carports, outdoor areas, shade sails, gazebos, swimming pools and swimming pool fences, spas, retaining walls, shipping containers and the like.

Private building certifiers provide building approvals which entails assessing your proposal and determining whether it meets the current amenity, safety, sustainability, and health standards in the Building Code of Australia (part of the National Construction Code) and other applicable legislation.

Bundaberg Regional Council ceased its building certification functions on 7 September 2015 due to decreased usage of this service. If you require building certification services for your proposed building works please contact a private building certifier that is ‘appropriately licensed’ by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC).  Details of certifiers within our region can be found in the Yellow Pages and other business search facilities.

Council will still be inspecting any building works that Council has previously approved as well as dealing with any changes or extensions to those approvals. Inspections can be booked by contacting Council's development group.

Council will continue to hold all records, past and present, relating to building approvals and inspections and the general public will still have access to this resource.  This includes all details of approvals granted by private building certifiers that are provided to the Council.

Depending on the type of development proposed, you may also require planning approval. For more information, visit Council’s Planning Approval page.

Regulatory Services

Council’s Development Group administers and regulates the requirements of various State Acts, regulations and local laws to control building and associated works in the community.

This section of Council performs a variety of roles which include:

  • Siting concession assessments
  • Amenity and aesthetic considerations
  • Security assessments (for the relocation of buildings)
  • Complaint investigations
  • Illegal building work investigations
  • Compliance inspections of certain building works (e.g. budget accommodation, residential services)
  • Swimming pool fence compliance inspections
  • Compliance and building record searches
  • Record keeping functions (e.g. Private Certifier documentation)

If you are considering installing a spa or swimming pool, please ensure that you check if there are any requirements for fencing and building approvals. You will find that for most installations, a fence will be required and a development approval must be obtained for the pool or spa (including the fence) before any work commences.

Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC)

The Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) provides information, advice and regulation to ensure the maintenance of proper building standards and remedies for defective building work. More information can be found at the QBCC website.

Building Works assessable against the planning scheme and Referral Agency triggers

The Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme 2015 makes certain building works assessable against the planning scheme.  Further information on the planning scheme is available here.

Council may also be a concurrence agency for particular building works assessable against the Building Act.

As part of the concurrence assesment, a security bond is required for relocate dwellings. Apply by completing this form - Request for bond release - Building.

Amenity and Aesthetics

Amongst other referral triggers, Council may be triggered as a concurrence agency for particular building work for amenity and aesthetics, or for building work involving removal or rebuilding.  See Council’s Amenity and Aesthetics, and Building Work Involving Removal or Rebuilding Policy for more information.

Alternative provisions for dwelling houses

Pursuant to Section 33 of the Building Act 1975, a planning scheme instrument may include provisions (alternative provisions) that, for relevant work, are alternative or different to the Queensland Development Code (QDC) boundary clearance and site cover provisions.

In accordance with Schedule 9 of the Planning Regulation 2017, where a proposed dwelling house does not comply with one or more of the alternative provisions nominated in the Dwelling house code, a referral to Council as a concurrence agency will be required.

View the Dwelling house code (in Part 9 - Development codes)

Building and planning flood information is also available, including details of flood hazard areas declared by Council resolution under the Building Act 1975.

Pool Safety Laws

The Queensland Government introduced pool safety laws aimed at further reducing the incidences of drowning and serious immersion injuries of young children in swimming pools. These laws affect new and existing pools. Stage 2 of the laws commenced on 1 December 2010. For more information relating to the laws, visit the Queensland Government's Pool Safety website here.

From 1 December 2010, pool safety certificates are required when selling or leasing a property with a pool.  Pool safety certificates must be obtained from a licensed pool safety inspector.

Contact Development Group

Address: Level 6, Auswide Building, 16-20 Barolin Street, Bundaberg

Telephone: 1300 883 699