Boreham Park play space upgrade project

Boreham park playground web

Boreham Park playground upgrade project

Project background

Boreham Park is set to receive more play and adventure opportunities, as part of an exciting, upcoming upgrade.

This project is a result of community feedback in 2018 requesting more quality play opportunities for children and young people in our region.

Community Consultation

During October 2019, extensive community consultation was undertaken to help shape the design and the recreation elements for inclusion in the Boreham Park upgrade design.

Consultation revealed the community's top priorities were adventure style play and water play elements.

Engagement was undertaken through various ways including:

  • An online survey
  • An information and Visioning Day held at the park
  • A series of interactive activities with local school children

Concept Design

Based on the feedback and input received from community, a concept design was developed. The concept was reviewed and endorsed by Council in December 2019.

Next steps

Bundaberg Regional Council will now look to engage a consultant to undertake the detail design of the new play areas in early 2020, followed by the construction of the area.

The estimated completition date for the project is June 2021.

This project is a joint initiative of the Queensland Government and Bundaberg Regional Council.