First Nation's Water Cycle
Caring for water and Country
The First Nation's water cycle animation was developed in consultation with our First Nation's community including Elders of the Bundaberg Region.
We give special thanks to the Uncles and Aunties involved with the project (mentioned below), Brent McLellan (Gidarjil Operations Manager) and the Gidarjil Land & Sea Rangers.
>>> Thanks to Aunty Ave (Averil), Aunty Di (Dianne), Aunty Muriel, Auntry Pam (Pamela), Aunty Yvonne, Uncle Micky (Lester), Uncle (name withheld due to sorry business), Kathy, Lloyd and Imran.
Water has sustained First Nations Peoples on this land for over 60,000 years.
They respect continuous connections to Country through water song lines.
They are linked as families, clan groups, community, and region.
To the rivers and creeks, from fresh water to salt water.
Connecting social, ceremonial, spiritual and cultural practices.
Traditional custodians care for Country now and have done so for thousands of years.
What goes into the land, flows through our water, our food and through us.
If our land is sick, we are sick.
Let’s care for our water and Country by learning more from cultural practices of traditional custodians.